
We have a MinipubSitemap class that provides a small amount of boilerplate to make creating a sitemap easier.

Here is an example of how to use it:

from minipub.sitemaps import MinipubSitemap

from .models import Article

class NewsSitemap(MinipubSitemap):
    model = Article

Basically, all you’ll need to do is set the model to use in the sitemap - in this example, it’s Article.

If you have custom statuses…

If you have more statuses than the default ‘draft’, ‘published’, and you have different sets of views to display these - you will also need extra sitemap classes.

You can add a minipub_live attribute to your sitemap class - exactly the same way as you will have done for your extra views. For example:

from minipub.sitemaps import MinipubSitemap

from .models import Article

class NewsArchivesSitemap(MinipubSitemap):
    """Sitemap for the archived articles."""
    model = Article
    minipub_live = ('archived',)